Ciberia partners to plan future cybersecurity initiatives at 2nd consortium meeting

CIBERIA members will meet to analyse the progress achieved during these months of project implementation and to determine the actions to be taken in the next period.

Participating partners:

  • University of Salamanca (USAL),
  • University of León (ULE),
  • CIDAUT Foundation,
  • University of Salamanca Science Park Foundation, the Artificial Intelligence Centre (AIR INSTITUTE),
  • Supercomputing Centre of Castilla y León (SCAYLE),
  • Universidade da Biera Interior (UBI),
  • Instituto Politécnico de Guarda,
  • Comunidade Intermunicipal das Bieras e Sierra da Estrela (CIM-BSE)
  • Secure Networks, Consultadoria Informática.


Date 27/05/2024

Ciudad Rodrigo


Modality Presencial